Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

Slow Food Shipping Container Restaurant - up to the Almabtrieb

The name says it all: "Till the Cows Come Home" is the name of the Slow Food shipping container restaurant housed in a cargo container ...

The place, which has its first season in Berlin Mitte in 2014, really offers space for hungry guests, especially in the summer months, when you can sit outside on the terrace - and that usually ends when the cows come home, So at the time of Almabtriebs. The cows themselves are also inspired by the name of the cows themselves, who spend a lot of time grazing - according to the enjoyable Slow Food concept, which only provides vegetarian dishes.

In a classic cargo container, designed by Natalie Viaux and equipped with Norwegian birch furniture with copper accents, the alpine pasture theme is also emphasized with corresponding images. The restaurant is currently on winter break - but soon the cows will dare to go back to the pastures!

About restaurant

TILL THE COWS COME HOME (TTCCH) is the first restaurant to offer ayurvedic, macrobiotic and kosher food in Berlin with vegetables presented so fashionably even non-vegetarians forget to miss their meat. Located in an installed shipping-container close to the very busy Torstraße wooden lounging chairs and a long food bank are creating an atmosphere of conscious chic.

10119 BERLIN
Phone: +49 0172 4141656


Abrandnewlove http://abrandnewlove.com/till-the-cows-come-home/
Inhabitat https://inhabitat.com/till-the-cows-come-home-a-shipping-container-restaurant-in-berlin/

Slow Food Shipping Container Restaurant - up to the Almabtrieb

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